
the last paragraph was

 돌아오는 날 아침부터 비가 내렸다. 

그날도 이렇게 날씨가 안 좋았다고 한다. 

그래서 갈 곳을 잃은 비행기가 착륙하지 못하고 허공을 떠돌았다고 한다.

It has been raining since morning. 

It wasn't good weather on that day of the crash either. 

Thus, the plane lost its place to go and floated in the empty sky without being able to land.



Baubo ist eine Einwohnerin von Eleusis, ist mit Dysaules verheiratet und die Mutter von Triptolemos und Eubuleus[1] sowie der Töchter Protonoe und Nesa (oder Nisa)[2] oder nach der Lesung von Karl Müller der Mise.[3]

Schon ihr Name weist auf die Verbindung zum eleusinischen Mysterienkult hin: Βαυβώ bedeutet „Leibeshöhle“ oder „Bauch“. Gemeinsam mit Baubon wird sie – wie das Paar Iambe/Iambos – nach Ansicht von Charles PicardMarie-Joseph Lagrange und Alfred Loisy als Personifikation der Sexualität gedeutet. Nach Ansicht anderer hatten die ihr zugeordneten Kulthandlungen apotropäische Bedeutung. Ludwig RadermacherErwin Rohde und Robert Eisler vermuten den Ursprung der Gestalt Baubo in einem hundsgestaltigen, weiblichen Schreckdämon aus dem Gefolge der Hekate analog zu GorgoGelloMormo und anderen.[4]

Aus ihrer Rolle im eleusinischen Mysterienkult ergibt sich auch Baubos Aufgabe als Begleiterin der Demeter: Nach der Entführung ihrer Tochter Persephone durch den Unterweltsgott Hadestrauert Demeter und wird von Baubo durch obszöne Scherze aufgemuntert. Konkret gehörte zu diesen Scherzen das Entblößen der Vulva.

Bei Arnobius wird beschrieben,[5] wie Baubo, eine Einwohnerin von Eleusis, die von der Suche nach ihrer Tochter völlig erschöpfte Demeter (Ceres bei Arnobius) bei sich aufnimmt, sie bittet, sich nicht ganz zu vernachlässigen, ihr Kykeonbringt, einen Mischtrank aus Wein und Getreide, den die Göttin aber ablehnt und sich in keiner Weise in ihrer Trauer ermuntern lässt. Da greift Baubo zu anderen Mitteln: Sie geht und macht ihren Unterleib glatt und weich wie ein Kind (d. h. wohl, dass sie die Schambehaarung rasiert), dann kehrt sie zurück, beginnt Scherze zu treiben und deckt schließlich ihren glatten Unterleib auf.

Und Clemens von Alexandria zitiert aus den Orphika die entsprechende Stelle:[6]

Sprach’s und raffte empor die Gewänder und zeigte
die ganze Bildung des Leibs und schämte sich nicht.
Und der kleine Iakchos
Lachte und schlug mit der Hand der Baubo unter die Brüste.[7]
Wie nun die Göttin dies merkte,
da lächelte gleich sie von Herzen,
Nahm dann das blanke Gefäß, in dem ihr der Mischtrank gereicht war.[8]

Arnobius bemerkt ausdrücklich, dass die Geste der Baubo als Parallele und Entsprechung zur Präsentation des Phallos im Kult des Dionysos zu sehen ist. Dementsprechend hat man gefolgert, dass die Baubo-Darstellung (also Frauenbildnisse mit entblößtem Unterleib, meist mit weit gespreizten Schenkeln) eine apotropäische Vulva sei, so wie das Fascinum ein apotropäischer Phallos ist.[9]

Einige Terrakottafiguren aus dem Demeter-Heiligtum von Priene zeigen Frauen mit nacktem Unterleib, der als Gesicht gestaltet ist.[10] Man hat daher spekuliert, dass es sich um Darstellung der Baubo handele, dass also der Scherz der Baubo darin bestand, dass sie sich ein Bauchgesicht aufgemalt hat und dieses Gesicht das im orphischen Fragment erwähnte (bartlose) Kind Iakchos sei.[11]

Als kunstgeschichtlicher Begriff werden als Baubo-Figurinen oder kurz Baubos eine Gruppe relativ kleiner Terrakotta-Figurinen bezeichnet, die vorwiegend aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten stammen und kauernde Frauen mit entblößter Vulva zeigen. Man vermutet, dass sie dem Kult der Isis bzw. der synkretistischen Verschmelzung von Isis und Demeter sowie von Osiris und Dionysos zuzuordnen sind.[12] Die Bezeichnung geht wohl auf eine von Margaret Murray in einem Artikel über Darstellungen weiblicher Fruchtbarkeit geprägte Klassifizierung zurück.[13]

Dad told me

that he went to the mountain to find my cousin's body.

voyeuristic, pornographic archives

How to handle these materials.

An example of re-visualization of an accident, event, case.

daring panties

 When we are bored.

Collected images floating around the Internet. 

daring panties 2


Ann-Sofi Siden Fidei Commissum, 2000.

daring panties 3


I happened to see someone's panty while walking down the street.

just Blue


Maggie Nelson, Bluets, 2009

a ghost lingering on the display

The body was lifted from the accident scene, and the image fell from reality. 

Dust and debris from the crash site were brushed off. 

It was kept unburied as a sterilized specimen. 

The image is now even and flat. 

It is stacked in a drawer to be browsed and occasionally captured again by the gaze of others.

"Right to be Forgotten" BGH(2019)

Öffentliches Interesse überwiegt

Wie schon das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt lehnte der BGH die Klage jetzt rechtskräftig ab. Das Ereignis sei von erheblichem öffentlichen Interesse. Über die Erkrankung des Geschäftsführers sei ohne nähere Angaben berichtet, sein Persönlichkeitsrecht deshalb nicht verletzt worden, urteilte der BGH. 

Auch der Zeitraum von sieben Jahren sei kein Grund für ein Löschen der Berichte. Hier sei noch nicht so viel Zeit vergangen, dass das Informationsinteresse der Öffentlichkeit in den Hintergrund getreten sei. Insgesamt müsse aber in jedem einzelnen Fall erwogen werden, ob das Persönlichkeitsrecht oder das Recht der Öffentlichkeit auf Information höher zu bewerten sei.

Public interest prevails

Like the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court, the BGH has now rejected the claim in a legally binding decision. The event was of considerable public interest. The BGH ruled that the CEO's illness had been reported without further details and that his right of personality had therefore not been violated. 

The period of seven years was also no reason for deleting the reports. In this case, not so much time had passed that the public's interest in information had receded into the background. Overall, however, it must be considered in each individual case whether the right of personality or the public's right to information should be valued more highly.

Translated with (free version)

"Right to be Forgotten" ECJ, Google (2019)

Löschung bei Internet-Suche - EuGH stärkt Rechte von EU-Bürgern 

Datum: 24.09.2019 14:48 Uhr 

Bereits 2014 unterstrich der EuGH das "Recht auf Vergessenwerden" im Internet. Nun gibt es ein weiteres Urteil gegen Suchmaschinenbetreiber wie Google.

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat die Rechte von EU-Bürgern auf Löschung von Informationen aus Ergebnislisten von Suchmaschinenbetreibern wie Google innerhalb Europas gestärkt.

Die Suchmaschinenbetreiber müssen demnach eine Löschung in den EU-Staaten vornehmen und Maßnahmen ergreifen, damit Internetnutzer nicht auf Links außerhalb der EU zugreifen können.

Außerhalb der EU gilt die Regelung nicht

In einem weiteren Verfahren entschied der EuGH, dass Google nur verpflichtet werden könne, innerhalb der EU beanstandete Links aus den Suchergebnissen herauszunehmen. Für Suchmaschinenversionen außerhalb der EU könne dies nicht verlangt werden. 

Im ersten Verfahren wollten eine Frau und drei Männer aus Frankreich erreichen, dass bei einer Google-Suche zu ihren Namen bestimmte Internetseiten nicht mehr in der Suchliste aufgelistet werden. Sie verlangten von den französischen Behörden, dass diese Google zur Löschung der Links in den Suchergebnissen verpflichtet.

Die Links führten zu Webseiten, die unter anderem eine online gestellte satirische Fotomontage einer Politikerin zeigten. In weiteren Fällen ging es um die Nennung eines Betroffenen als Verantwortlicher für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Scientology-Kirche oder der Verurteilung eines Mannes wegen sexueller Übergriffe auf Jugendliche. Vorgehen vom Einzelfall abhängig.

Internet search deletion - ECJ strengthens rights of EU citizens 

Date: 24/09/2019 14:48 

Already in 2014, the ECJ underlined the "right to be forgotten" on the Internet. Now there is another ruling against search engine operators such as Google.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has strengthened the rights of EU citizens to delete information from result lists of search engine operators such as Google within Europe.

According to the ruling, search engine operators must carry out deletion in EU states and take measures to prevent Internet users from accessing links outside the EU.

Regulation does not apply outside the EU

In another case, the ECJ ruled that Google could only be obliged to remove links objected to within the EU from its search results. This could not be required for search engine versions outside the EU. 

In the first case, a woman and three men from France wanted to ensure that certain websites were no longer listed in a Google search for their names. They demanded that the French authorities oblige Google to delete the links in the search results.

The links led to websites that showed, among other things, a satirical photo montage of a female politician posted online. Other cases involved the naming of a person as responsible for the public relations work of the Church of Scientology or the conviction of a man for sexually assaulting young people. Proceedings depend on the individual case.

Translated with (free version)

Nudity is a form of dress

누드는 복장의 한 형태이다.

Berger, John. Ways Of Seeing. 1972, Britisch Broadcasting Corporation, London, s. 54. 

Newspaper cartoon commentary


the human body swept away by disaster

or by gaze 

Violence turns anybody subjected to it into a thing. P. 11

P. 11, Simone Weil, essay on war, TheIliad, or The Poem of Force (1940)

this kind of shame 2

  This kind of shame may be easier to empathize with than a torn body.

the nipple on my forehead

this kind of shame

 This kind of shame may be easier to empathize with than with a torn body.

inspired by a scene from John Banville's novel The Sea; 
A Boy is hoping for the towel to fall off a woman who is changing clothes on the beach.


 a joke on a TV show: raising a skirt.

Laurent Baffie lifted Nolwenn Leroy‘s dress on french TV.

from the obscene body to a narrativized body

 “S”he was a woman I would now recognize as a likely sufferer from varicose veins, hemorrhoids, a dropped womb, cysted ovaries, inflammations, discharges, lumps and stones in various places, one of those heavy, cautiously moving, wrecked survivors of the female life, with stories to tell.

the body marked, imprinted by desire enter[s] narrative

Alice Munro: Writing for Dear Life, Corinne Bigot, 

Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol. 37, N°2, Spring 2015

a human like a cold fish.

Thought about:

how to deal with others' pain and materialize it to represent.

It reminded me of Alice Munro's “Family Furnishings”. In that short story, the narrator writes her novel using the disaster that happened to her relatives.

Munro has repeatedly used stories from home and foregrounded reflections on what it means to use home as material – memories, people, and stories. The story that best epitomizes this is probably “Family Furnishings” (Hateship), a story about a woman who becomes a writer. 


First, the narrator seems to somehow share her fiancé’s doubts. So far, the family story has been a story that she could not stand listening to, as her mother and her aunts told it: the narrator’s feeling that her mother and her aunt’s voices were “obscene” (Hateship 110) is conveyed by a striking image that conjures up the body: “their voices were like worms slithering in my insides” (110). Alfrida, however, will tell her story and as the narrator listens to her, one sentence catches her attention: “And the minute I heard it, something happened. It was as if a trap had snapped shut, to hold these words in my head” (112). The moment is epiphanic, it is the moment when she understands how the sort of stories and real life tragedies her fiancé despises can provide her with her material, as the repetition of the pronoun “me” shows: “I only knew how they jolted me and released me, right away, to breathe a different kind of air available only to my- self” (112). “Family Furnishings” clearly suggests that the narrator has to find her own voice by claiming these stories as her material and incorporating them in her own wri- tings (Bigot “Voices” 31). The exploding lamp may have killed the cousin, but it offers the would-be writer a moment of clarity when she sees that one can become a writer by using material from home, which, as the rest of the story points out, is no easy thing: “there was a danger whenever I was on home ground. It was the danger of seeing my life through other eyes than my own” (“Family Furnishings” 114).


Ultimately, the story aims to show that there can be no separation between “the classics” and tragedies in ordinary people’s lives, and demonstrates that Munro’s stories are rooted in world literature as well as in family stories.

Alice Munro: Writing for Dear Life, Corinne Bigot, 

Commonwealth Essays and Studies, Vol. 37, N°2, Spring 2015

Fall Process Drawing 2


AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT, by Civil Aviation Bureau Ministry of Construction & Transportation Republic of Korea, 1993

Fall Process Drawing 1


AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT, by Civil Aviation Bureau Ministry of Construction & Transportation Republic of Korea, 1993


It is in vain that we say what we see; what we see never resides in what we say. And it is in vain that we attempt to show by the use of images, metaphors, or smiles, what we are saying; that space where they achieve their splendour is not that deplyed by our eyes but that defined by the sequential elements of syntax. p. 10

보는 것을 말한다 해도, 보는 것은 결코 말하는 것 속에 존재하지 않고, 말하고 있는 것을 이미지, 은유, 직유에 의해 본다 해도, 이것들이 반짝이는 장소는 우리의 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 장소가 아니라 통사법의 연속에 의해 규정되는 장소이다.

Sympathy plays through the depths of the universe in a free state. It can traverse the vastest spaces in an instant: it falls like a thunderbolt from the distant planet upon the man ruled by that planet; on the other hand it can be brought into being by a simple contact - as with those ‘mourning reses that have been used at obsequies’ which, simply from their former adjacency with death, will render all persons sho smell them ‘sad and moribund’. But such is its power that sympathy is not content to spring from a single contact and speed through space; it excites the things of the world to movement and can draw even the most distant of them together. It is a principle of mobility. p. 26

감응의 작용에서는 어떤 경로도 사전에 결정되어 있지 않고 어떤 거리도 전제되어 있지 않으며 어떤 연쇄도 규정되어 있지 않다. 감응은 세계의 심층에서 자유로운 상태로 작용한다. 감응은 한순간에 가장 드럽은 공간을 가로지른다. 감응은 행성에서 행성의 지배를 받는 인간까지 멀리에서 벼락 치듯 일어나기도 하고, 이와는 반대로 ”장례식에서 사용되어” 다만 죽음과 인접했다는 사실만으로 향기를 들이마시는 모든 사람을 “슬프고 기력 없게” 만들 “애도의 장미” 처럼 접촉만으로 생겨날 수도 있다. 그러나 감응의 힘은 매우 커서 단지 접촉만으로 솟아나거나 공간을 가로지르는 것으로 그치지 않으며, 세계 내에 사물의 움직임을 초래하고, 아무리 멀리 떨어져 있는 사물이라도 가까이 접근시킨다. 감응은 운동성의 원리이다. … p. 54

It (Sympathy) has the dangerous power of assimilating of renderung things identical to one another, of mingling them, of causing their individuality to disappear - and thus of renderung them foreign to what they were before. Sympathy transforms. p.26

 감응은 (…) 사물들을 동일하게 하고 뒤섞고 사물의 개체성을 사라지게 하고, 따라서 사물을 이전의 상태와 무관하게 만드는 위험한 동화의 힘을 지니고 있다. 감응은 변형시킨다. 감응은 변질시키지만, 동일성의 방향으로 그렇게 한다. p. 55

Foucault, M. (2002). The Order of Things. (Tavistock/Routledge,Trans.) New York, (Original work published 1966) 푸코, 말과 사물

Affect of things

P. 122 Laut Benjamin sind die Dinge nicht einfach unbelebte Gegenstände, mit inerter Materie angefällte Hülsen oder passive Objekt, die dem dokumentarischen Blick zur Verfügung stehen. Sondern sie bestehen aus Kräfteverhältnissen, aus verborgenen Mächten, die miteinander in Austausch oder in Konflikt stehen. Diese Auffassung grenzt einerseits an magisches Denken, dem zufolge die Dinge mit übersinnlichen Kräften ausgestattet sind. Auf der anderen Seite ist diese Vorstellung eine klassisch materialistische. 

…Und Benjamin zufolge ist die Sprache der Dinge nichts anderes als der Ausdruck dieses Kräfteaustauschs. In seinem Modell einer durch wort- und lautlose Kräfte bewegten Sprache tauschen die Dinge Kräfte verhältnisse, Potenzen und Spannungen mit anderen Dingen aus. Sie werden nicht als statische Objekte begriffen, sondern als dynamische Bündel, die noch nicht verwirklichte Möglichkeiten in sich tragen und denen heraus sich neue Verhältnisse und Konstellationen entwickeln können. Auf der Ebene dieser schöpferischen Potenziale kommunizieren die Dinge miteinander, meint Benjamin, und nur wenn sie auf dieser Ebene erfasst werden, nimmt man an ihrer Sprache teil.  

벤야민에 의하면 사물들은 다큐멘터리의 시선에 사용될 수 있는 단순히 죽어 있는 대상도, 비활성 물질로 채워진 껍데기도, 수동적 객체도 아니다. 오히려 그것들은 힘의 관계이며, 서로 교환되거나 갈등하는 숨어 있는 힘들로 이루어져 있다. 한편으로 이런 해석은 사물들에 초감각적인 힘들이 있다는 마법적 사유에 맞닿아 있다. … 그리고 벤야민에 이하면 사물의 언어는 다름 아닌 이러한 힘들의 교환의 표출이다. 말이 없고 소리가 없는 힘들에 의해 움직이는 벤야민의 언어 모델에서 사물들은 다른 사물들과 세력 관계와 잠재력과 긴장을 교환한다. 사물들은 정지된 대상이 아니라, 아직 실현되지 않은 가능성을 담고 있고, 새로운 관계들과 배열이 저내될 수 있는 역동적인 묶음으로 여겨진다. 벤야민은 이 창조적 잠재력의 차원에서 사물들은 서로 소통하며, 사물을 이런 차원에서 이해할 때에만 우리사 사물의 언어에 참가할 수 있다고 생각한다. p. 220

 Walter Banjamin, “Über die Sprache überhaupt und über die Sprache des Menschen”, 9-26 p. in 진실의 색, 히토 슈타이얼

self-perpetuating power of image

Now, it was the image that caused the event.  

Villem Flusser, Fernsehbild und Politische Sphäre, p 103-104

이제 사건들은 유발하는 것은 이미지다”… (정동을 일으키는 이미지) 그것은 반드시 앞서 일어난 어떤 현실의 결과여야 하는 것은 아니지만, 분명히 이후에 이어지는 현실의 원인이다

… (Affective image) It does not necessarily have to be the result of some preceding reality, but it is clearly the cause of the subsequent reality.

now, the image is even and flat.

Die Vergangenheit wird ästhetisiert und verfremdet, sie wird zu etwas Andrem gemacht, das möglicherweise aufgeregende Schauer erzeugt, aber gerade dadurch auf Distanz gehalten werden kann. P. 36 _Allan Sekula

과거는 미적 대상화되고 낯설어지며어쩌면 자극적인 스릴을 만들수도 있는그러나 바로 그럼으로써 거리를   있는다른 어떤 것으로 바뀐다. p. 66_앨런 세큘라

Ein Archiv vermittelt das fotografische Archiv zwischen diesen zwei Ebenen, zwischen Gebrauchs- und Tauschwert von Bildern, zwischen ihrem affektiven und informativen Charakter. Es ist auf der einen Seite durch ökonomische, auf der anderen durch historische Logiken bestimmt. Ein Archiv vermittelt Bedeutungen und Eigentumsverhältnisse - nicht an den Bildern an sich sondern am Recht, sie zu interpretieren und in neue Kontexte einzubinden. Es is ein Marktplatz, auf dem Bilder als Waren gehandelt werden, aus ihrem ursprünglichen Kontext gerissen und in neue eingebunden werden.  

p. 34-35 _Allan Sekula

아카이브는 이미지 자체가 아니라이미지를 해석하고 새로운 맥락 속에 끼워 넣을  있는 권리의미와 소유 구조를 연결한다아바이브는 이미지가 상품으로 거래되고이미지 자체의 원래 맥락에서 떨어져 나와 새로운 맥락속에 편입되는 하나의 시장이다. P. 64 _앨런 세큘라

Das Archiv wird in individuellen Reinterpretationen umgebaut, auseinander genommen, neu zusammengesetzt, ästhetisiert. p. 36

아카이브는 개별적인 재해석들 속에서 개편되고, 분해되고, 재조립되고, 미적 대상화된다. P. 67 

Steyerl, Hito. (2008). Die Farbe der Wahrheit, Dokumentarismen im Kunstfeld. VERLAG TURIA+Kant, Wien.

(Allan Sekula “The Body and the Archive” 181-192)


 1. archive

For her, this incident didn‘t linger as a mere accident; it had other aftereffects. The very private area, her red „panty“ was published several times, while describing the airplane accident. Even later, it was shown from time to time when the issue of the media‘s sensitivity to human rights was discussed. Unfortunately, the press video containing this woman‘s image was digitally archived. Ironically, I could, therefore, fill in the missing part (her red panty) of my memory.

2. By the way, why am I so afraid of radio sounds?

This Image Is Still Valid


Why was the female panty such a big deal?

Does it still matter all that much?

Learning about the own body for women

Milan Kundera. Identity, 1997

p. 71

As an adolescent, it's true, she did flush a lot; she was at the start of a woman's physiological journey and her body was turning into a burdensome thing she was ashamed of. As an adult, she forgot about flushing. Then the gusts of heat heralded the end of that journey, and once again her body shamed her. With her sense of shame reawakened, she relearned to flush.

밀란 쿤데라, 정체성, p80

 사실 어린 시절 그녀는 얼굴을 자주 붉혔다. 당시 그녀는 신체적으로 여자가 되는 과정에 진입했고 그녀의 육체는 그녀에게 수치심을 불러일으키는 뭔가 거추장스러운 것이 되었다. 성인이 되자 그녀는 얼굴 붉히는 것을 잊었다. 다시 정념의 뜨거운 입김이 성인화 과정의 끝을 예고하고자 그녀의 육체는 다시금 그녀에게 수치심을 불러일으켰다. 수줍음이 되살아나자 그녀는 다시 얼굴을 붉히는 법을 배운 것이다. 

reading the very image with the social context

It is a piece of news from 1997 that a rape victim committed suicide.

The last sentence of the reporter on this news:

"Yang(victim's name)'s choice to die instead of living a shameful life has great implications in today's world in which the concept of chastity has become sparse."

"수치스러운 삶 대신 죽음을 택한 이양의 선택은 정조 관념이 희박해진 요즘 세태에 시사하는 바가 큽니다."


memory, image

All memory is individual, unreproducible - it dies with each person. What is called collective memory is not a remembering but a stipulating: that this is important, and this is the story about how it happened,  with the pictures that lock the story in our minds. Ideologies create substantiating archives of images, representative images, which encapsulate common ideas of significance and trigger predictible thoughts, feelings. Poster-ready photographs -  the mushroom cloud of an A-bomb test, Martin Luther King, Jr, speaking at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, the astronaut walking on the moon - are the visual equivalent of sound bites. They commemorate, in no less blunt fashion than postage stamps, Important Historical Moments; indeed, the triumphalist ones (the picture of the A-bomb excepted) become postage stamps. (다행히 나치 캠프의 사진은 없다) p. 77

  모든 기억은 개인적이며 재현될 수도 없다기억이랑 것은  기억을 갖고 있는 개개의 사람이 죽으면 함께 죽는다우리가 집단적 기억이라고 부르는 것은 상기하기가 아니라 일종의 약정이다우리는 사진을 통해서 이것은 중요한 일이며 이것이야말로 어떤 일이 어떻게 일어났는지를 알려주는 이야기이다라고 우리의 정신 속에 꼭꼭 챙겨두는 것이다이데올로기는 뭔가를 구체화   있는 이미지 중요하기 그지없는 공통 관념을 담고 있으며 사람들의 생각과 감정을 예측 가능하도록 움직이게 하는 재현적 이미지의 저장소를 만들어 둔다곧장 포스터로 만들  있는 사진들, (… 등의사진들은 중요한 사건들의 핵심을 전달해 주는 시각적 등가물이다. p131

In contrast to a written account - which, depending on its complexity of thought, reference, and vocabulary, is pitched at a large or smaller readership -  a photograph has only one language and is destined potentially for all. P. 17

사진은  하나의 언어만을 가지고 있을 뿐이며 잠재적으로 모든 이들을 위한 것일 수밖에 없다. P41.

Nonstop imagery (television, streaming videos, movies) is our surround, but when it comes to remembering, the photograph has the deeper bite. Memory freeze-frames; its basic unit is the single image. In an era of information overload, the photograph provides a quick way of apprehending something and a quotatopn, or a maxim or proverb. Each of us mentally stocks hundreds of photographs, subject to instant recall. P. 19

프레임에 고정된 기억그것의 기본적인 단위는  하나의 이미지이다. …사진은 인용문그도 아니면 격언이나 속담 같은 것이다우리는 모두 순식간에 떠올릴  있는 수백 장의 사진들을 마음 속에 담고 있다.  p44.

Sontag, S. (2003). Regarding the Pain of Others. Penguin Group.

수잔손택, 타인의 고통

neither causation nor punishment.